


 1.That you had the worst boss in the world that created such a toxic environment that you were sick in your stomach every morning going into work.你的上一任老板真的是世界上最糟的老板了。他把工作搞得乌烟瘴气,使得你每天去上班之前都会感到胃痛。

 2.That a spiteful co-worker sabotaged you. 你以前的同事总是心怀不轨地陷害你。

3.That you did your job right, but due to an idiot co-worker’s incompetence, they bungled a major project that had you as the project manager. 你办事干净利索,但是一个猪一样的同事搞砸了一个大项目,而你恰好就是这个项目的项目经理。

 4.That you were misled about what the job involved and didn’t know it wasn’t a fit until you got in there, and hated it so much that you had to leave. 你被招聘时的工作描述所误导了,在你上任之前,你根本不知道要去做的是什么工作。所以你讨厌你的上一份工作,因而辞职不干。

5.That the company wasn’t exactly forthright about the state of their finances and went belly up. 你的上家财务状况岌岌可危,就快破产了。


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该日志由 1zanxin 于2012年12月14日发表在 英语学习资源推荐 分类下,
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