

  She has amassed legions of fans on social media, inspired memes with her big blue eyes and even caught the attention of the Kardashians, but she is only eight months old.
  Egypt, the daughter of Australian rapper and ‘internet entrepreneur’ Fortafy, hit 100,000 likes on Facebook after a photograph of her wearing a Kardashian Kids-branded beanie went viral when the label owned by the reality television sisters re-posted it on its social media accounts.
  Since it was shared on Instagram on June 4, it has been liked almost 30,000 times.
  Fortafy told Daily Mail Australia he and his partner, Shana Evers, were thrilled their daughter had triggered such a reaction.
  ’It was awesome to be acknowledged and really made me proud as a parent,’ he said.
  But another surprise came along when the Brisbane family received a handwritten note from the Kardashians.
  It read: ‘Dear Shana, Fortafy and your beautiful daughter. Hope you love these new pieces from our Kardashian Kids collection. Xo Kourtney, Kim and Khloe.’
  Fortafy told Daily Mail Australia it was great to receive a note from the Kardashians, and it was funny because many people drew similarities between Ms Evers and the most famous of the sisters, Kim.
  ’Shana’s been getting that for years. People have always said she looks like her [Kim],’ he said.
  @SamF:Beautiful baby, but the name! Seriously…I think I’ll name my next kid Nicaragua.

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