
China’s popular mobile networking app WeChat on Wednesdaydenied that a new function of the app will lead to spread ofpornographic content, after a police account on Sina Weibo warnedof possible pornographic activities as WeChat plans to allow usersto charge a “fee” for people to view their personal photos.
“It’s not true that the new function will trigger the spreadof pornographic information,” the operating team of WeChat said inan article posted on their official WeChat account onWednesday.
WeChat Tuesday night launched a test run of its new functionwhich allows users to post a blurred personal picture on theiraccount and charge their friends a small amount of fee, such as oneyuan ($0.15), if they want to view a clear version of thepicture.
The function will be officially launched on February 7, theeve of the Chinese New Year, resonating a Chinese tradition inwhich people send relatives and friends “lucky money” to celebratethe coming new year.
The test run has attracted the attention of the publicsecurity bureau in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, which warned thatspreading pornographic content for profit is considered illegal,according to its Sina Weibo account Tuesday night.
“Whoever, for the purpose of profit, produces, duplicates,publishes, sells or disseminates pornographic materials shall besentenced to a fixed length of imprisonment,” read the policepost.
Some 18 million people on Tuesday participated in the test runof WeChat’s new function. However, some people posted pictures witherotic headlines such as “intimate photo between me and my husband”on WeChat on Tuesday.
WeChat on Wednesday said it had a strict review system forpornographic information, with the use of both technology and humanassistance.
“Simply speaking, your WeChat friends remain the same and thespread of any pornographic material will not see a significant risedue to the introduction of the new function,” WeChat said.

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