
Laboratory rats who breathed Beijing’s highly polluted air gainedweight and experienced cardio-respiratory and metabolicdysfunctions after three to eight weeks of exposure.
A study appearing in the March issue of the Journal of theFederation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)placed pregnant rats and their offspring in two chambers, oneexposed to outdoor Beijing air and the other containing an airfilter that removed most of the air pollution particles.
After only 19 days, the lungs and livers of pregnant rats exposedto the polluted air were heavier and showed increased tissueinflammation. These rats had 50 percent higher LDL cholesterol; 46percent higher triglycerides; and 97 percent higher totalcholesterol. Their insulin resistance level, a precursor of Type 2diabetes, was higher than their clean air-breathingcounterparts.
All of these measures support the study’s conclusion that airpollution exposure results in metabolic dysfunction, a precursor toobesity. Indeed, pollution-exposed rats were significantly heavierat the end of their pregnancy even though the rats in both groupswere fed the same diet.

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该日志由 1zanxin 于2016年02月29日发表在 双语阅读 分类下,
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