
1. Chin up, little one. 别灰心,小家伙。

2. In some packs, the runt gets eaten. 某些族群里最小的会被吃掉。

3. I thought I made myself clear. 我想我说得够清楚了。

4. No need to get worked up. Okay? 不用那么激动,好吗?

5. Then let’s quit wasting time and get on with it. 那就别浪费时间了,直奔主题吧。

6. I would’ve done this myself, but I’m afraid of heights. 要不是我恐高,我就自己上了。

7. Listen to me, you con1 artist! He may not know your game, but I do. 你听好了,你这骗子!他不清楚你的把戏,但我清楚。

8. Do I have to spell this out? 非得让我把话说明吗?

9. You stood your ground, old boy. 干得漂亮,伙计。

1 con WXpyR

We must be fair and consider the reason pro and con.我们必须公平考虑赞成和反对的理由。
The motion is adopted non con.因无人投反对票,协议被通过。


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该日志由 1zanxin 于2017年07月10日发表在 杂谈 分类下,
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