
Third-hand smoke exposure can cripple your brain and liver, affecting your mannerisms, increasing your risk of neurodegenerative diseases, and ruining your metabolism1. That is according to a study by researchers at the University of California, Riverside who saw significant health issues in people within a month of exposure to smoke.


The research team analyzed2 how people were affected3 by inhaling4 smoke from another person’s clothing, hair, home, or car.

In previous studies on mice, the same scientists showed third-hand smoke can cause type 2 diabetes5, hyperactivity, liver and lung damage, and wound-healing complications. Now, they have shown they can even see an impact on brain and liver tissues.

Damage to the liver can hinder its capability6 to detoxify the body, leading to more damage by THS toxins7.

THS toxins, which are invisible but can be smelled, remain on surfaces for many years, and are resistant8 to even strong cleaning agents.

Further, they accumulate and age by reacting with the ambient air, and change into carcinogenic chemicals.

Because THS is absorbed through skin, children are especially vulnerable given their close contact with household surfaces.

Children frequently ingest these toxins by putting their hands in their mouths. They also absorb them through the skin.


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该日志由 1zanxin 于2017年09月24日发表在 杂谈 分类下,
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