
Rugao, a city renowned1 for the longevity2 of its residents in east China’s Jiangsu Province, recorded 403 centenarians at the end of 2017, according to the city’s civil affairs bureau.


This marked a yearly increase of 18 centenarians in the city, it added.

With a population of 1.43 million, the city had 89 male centenarians and 314 women aged3 100 or older at the end of 2017, 24 of whom were older than 105 and four older than 110, according to the statistics.

The oldest among them was 113 years old.

Healthy eating and sleeping habits as well as a favorable environment are believed to have contributed to the longevity in Rugao.


1 renowned okSzVe
He is one of the world’s renowned writers.他是世界上知名的作家之一。
She is renowned for her advocacy of human rights.她以提倡人权而闻名。
2 longevity C06xQ
Good habits promote longevity.良好的习惯能增长寿命。
Human longevity runs in families.人类的长寿具有家族遗传性。
3 aged 6zWzdI
He had put on weight and aged a little.他胖了,也老点了。
He is aged,but his memory is still good.他已年老,然而记忆力还好。

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该日志由 1zanxin 于2018年01月05日发表在 杂谈 分类下,
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