• 失恋了? 来两片阿斯匹林好的快

    It was once thought that only time could mend a broken heart, but now scientists think popping a couple of aspirin might be the best way to get over a break-up.   和恋人分手时,我们原来都认为只有时间可以治愈那颗破碎的心。可是如今有科学家提出,吃上几片阿司匹林或许才是走出失恋的最好方法。 Psychology Professor Water Mischel, of Columbia University, believes th...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,696 views |
  • 叫醒你的耳朵 英音和美音在单词发音上的差异

    目前,雅思(微博)和托福两项世界性的语言测试都已经在听力中悉数加入了各国口音,可以预测到的是接下来国内各大考试,包括高考(微博)四六级,也一定会有所跟进。世界在融合,英语这门语言也在融合。当有一天同学们走在洛杉矶或伦敦的大街上, 可能会发现耳旁有各种各样的语音飘过,其中最主要的莫过于英音和美音了。如何让我们的耳朵能够应对这种口音变化呢?我们先来看一下在单词的读音上...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:英语学习方法 | 阅读:12,933 views |
  • 巴黎惊现价值千万土豪金兰博基尼

    As far as supercarsgo this might be the one to beat.   说到超级跑车很多人想到的估计都是兰博基尼。 Labelled as quite possibly the most expensive car in the world, the gold Lamborghini Aventador has been spotted cruising the streets of Paris.   兰博基尼,作为世界上最贵的跑车,近日在巴黎街头惊现更奢华的款式—一辆“黄金”兰博基尼Aventador。 As fashion week...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,611 views |
  • 李娜的退役告别信:跟娜姐学习英文写作

    My dear friends,   亲爱的朋友们: For close to fifteen years, we’ve been a part of each other’s lives. As a tennis player representing China on the global stage, I’ve trekked around the world playing hundreds of matches on the WTA tour, for China’s Fed Cup team, at the National Games and at several Olympic Games. You’ve always ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,757 views |
  • 最炫酷出租车将退役 装备激光键盘

    Jon Barnes’ ‘Ultimate Taxi’ is probably the closest that the muggle world will ever get to the Knight Bus in Harry Potter’s magical universe. Barnes has managed to completely transform a plain old checkered taxi cab into an experience of a lifetime – it’s a delightful explosion of light and sound rolled into one single ride.   乔·巴恩的“终极的士”可能是麻瓜...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,136 views |
  • 亮瞎双眼 俄女子奔驰车镶百万施华洛世奇钻石

      Nestled in the buzzing streets of west London, Knightsbridge has long been considered a playground for the rich and famous.   骑士桥是伦敦西部的一条街道,这里是著名的国际中心,也是富人和名人们的“游乐场”。 And every summer Arab playboys speed around its polished streets in garish super cars worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.  每年夏天阿拉伯的花花公子...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,809 views |
  • 秋天到 五种美食能护肤

    Five foods can be used to help women delay the aging of their skin and leave their skin appearing bright, firm and elastic.   五种食物能够帮助女人保持肌肤的光泽、韧度和弹性。 1. Rice Ball Applying a rice ball can remove excess oil and dirt from the pores and make the skin smooth and clear. Cook the rice and knead the rice into a ball, put it on your face an...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:15,286 views |
  • 跟老外聊天如何才能使英语对话顺利开展下去?

    可能很多同学会有这样的疑惑,“我们的底子薄弱,认识的单词不多,更别提开展对话了”。存在这样疑问的同学可能太小看国人的语言天赋了,我的一个长线预备级学生底子也一般,但他十分自信地给我看了他和老外在微信用英文对话的截图,我发现除了个别词语拼写错误、句子简单之外,双方的交流基本是没有太大问题的。为什么呢?举个简单的例子,你去国外餐馆点餐,服务生问你”Would you li...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:英语学习方法 | 阅读:12,866 views |
  • 《唐顿庄园》第五季开播 人物12年不老被吐槽

    The luxurious lifestyle of Downton Abbey’s aristocratic Crawley family would no doubt help to keep worry lines at bay.   《唐顿庄园》里的克劳利一家奢华的生活方式无疑会使大家忽略掉该剧的一些小漏洞。 But as the hit ITV drama returned to our screens last night, viewers raised questions over whether the characters have aged convincingly since it began in 2010. ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,752 views |
  • 英富豪倾家为癌症妻子做慈善 痊愈后却被甩

    He is not the first multimillionaire to quit the world of commerce and vow to give his entire fortune to charity.   拥有千万财产的布莱恩·伯尼并不是世界上第一个把所有财富都拿来做慈善的富人。 But few can have put their money where their mouth is with such conviction as Brian Burnie.  但很少人能像伯尼这样对慈善事业有如此巨大的热情。 Once the owner of a £16mi...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,877 views |