• 全球幸福指数排名 越南第二中国60

    We all dream of living a long, happy life – often in a warmer, more relaxing climate than we are currently based.  我们总梦想着能有幸福长乐的生活——比起当下有着更舒适的气候和四季如春的温暖。 But where are the happiest places in the world?   那么世界上最幸福的地方在哪里呢? A new map of 151 countries has revealed exactly which parts of the globe delive...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,917 views |
  • 英国生态公交车用大便做燃料

    Britain’s first bus powered by human waste has taken to the streets.   近日,英国首辆靠人类粪便供能的新型环保巴士正式上路。 The 40-seater ‘Bio-Bus’ is fuelled by biomethane gas, generated by the treatment of sewage and food waste at a processing plant in the south west.   这辆40座的“生态巴士”靠人粪、垃圾等废物所产生的沼气驱动,沼气是在西...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,407 views |
  • 不男不女 波兰奇葩理由封杀小熊维尼

    Councillors in a small town in Poland have banned Winnie the Pooh claiming the bear is of ‘dubious sexuality’, is ‘inappropriately dressed’ and is ‘half-naked’.   波兰一小镇的议员封杀小熊维尼,他们声称维尼熊“性向不明”,“衣冠不整”而且是”半裸体”。 Officials in Tuszyn, central Poland even attacked author AA Milne, describing...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:18,507 views |
  • 囧研究 男人更愿帮助穿高跟鞋的女性

    Ladies, if you want a man at your feet, wear high heels.   女士们,想要男人为你们尽折腰,就穿高跟鞋吧。 Research shows that men are more likely to help a woman wearing heels than one in flats.   调查显示男人们更愿意对穿高跟鞋的女人们伸出援手,而不是穿平底鞋的。 This assistance ranges from taking part in a survey, to chasing after a woman who has dropped a...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,666 views |
  • 他杀! 梵高之死的惊人真相

    The true nature of Vincent van Gogh’s death continues to be a topic ripe for mystery – after a leading forensics expert has claimed that the artist was murdered.   在一位法医学专家声称画家文特森?梵高是被谋杀之后,梵高之死的真相继续成为了谜团解密的热门话题。 The Sunflowers painter died an agonising 29 hours after taking a bullet to the abdomen in a wheat fie...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,363 views |
  • 英教育大臣呼吁学习中国课堂教学法

    Schools are being urged to go back to ‘chalk and talk’ teaching that was once widespread in Britain – in order to reproduce the success the traditional methods now have in China.   为了重现当年英国普遍使用的传统教学方法的辉煌成果,英国教育部部长鼓励学校返璞归真,回归目前在中国广为应用的板书授课教学方法。 Education Minister Nick Gibb said having a teacher sp...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,939 views |
  • 一见不钟情 沙特新郎看到妻子就离婚

    A Saudi groom has divorced his bride on their wedding night after seeing her face for the first time when the photographer asked them to pose for pictures.   在一位沙特男子的婚礼当夜,摄影师请两位新人拍合影,新郎第一次看到了新娘的面容,他当即跟她离婚了。 The couple, from the Western Saudi town of Medinah, had agreed to marry each other despite having not me...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,493 views |
  • 娘家人多 英国婚礼44名伴娘破记录

    A blushing bride had plenty of help organising her big day – after recruiting 44 bridesmaids to make sure it went without a hitch.   婚礼那天,英国一位新娘有44名伴娘同她在婚礼上作伴。 Jayne Blakeway could not decide which friends and family to choose to lead her down the aisle for her special day – so picked all of them.   杰尼·布莱克韦由于无...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,233 views |
  • 冲刺大学英语四六级 盘点听力的五大失分原因

      有些时候我们突然发现自己学了很长时间英语,却几乎听不懂一盘标准的英语磁带,更听不懂English speaker 说话,因此会非常泄气,学英语的信心受到很大打击。在此,我们对听不懂老外说英语的原因作以分析,目的是找到原因,及时克服。   原因一:发音不准确。   假设我们的发音能做到和外国人的发音完全一样,你能听懂自己的发音,就一定能够听懂外国人的声音。English speaker一般...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:英语学习方法 | 阅读:12,737 views |
  • 黑变黄&四指怪 辛普森一家作者爆料

    In the third episode of the Simpsons in 1987, Smithers made his first appearance.   史密瑟斯第一次登场于1987年的《辛普森一家》第三集。 When viewers first laid eyes on Montgomery Burns’ assistant, he was black.   当观众第一眼看见这位蒙哥马利·伯恩斯的助手时,他是黑色的。 But when he appeared on screen again he was yellow, because of what the show̵...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:14,292 views |