• 威廉王子访华直播: 全民都变段子手

    威廉王子访华的行程单?喂,真的有人关心吗?大家关心的重点完全不对好吗!已经全民都成段子手的节奏了。先来看看重点关心的都是些什么—— @爱二伦的爪米拿个总督奖给你瞧瞧:Three things: 1. Please bring Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston with you. 2. Please try Bawang Shampoo, duang you will get shining hair.[doge] 3. Please tell Steven Moffat if he doesn’t r...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,801 views |
  • 女汉子变女神: 不化妆也美美的十大招

      Ways to Look Beautiful without Makeup do exist and they are possible, for anyone. Have you ever met someone who said that they never leave the house without makeup, even if they’re just going to the grocery store? Makeup is fun, but it shouldn’t be obligatory! If, for whatever reason, you can’t or don’t want to wear makeup, whether on certain days or at a...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,606 views |
  • 双语:请记住幸福是个过程 而并不是终点!

      Happiness is a journey   幸福是个过程   We always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, than another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren’t old enough and we’ll be more content when they are. After that we’re frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,950 views |
  • 无剧透: 纸牌屋第三季看点指路

      I have managed to watch the first four episodes of the 3rd season for you, to give you a preview. This preview gives you just enough to know what’s going on, but not enough to ruin anything. And there are no spoilers here.   我看了第三季的前4集,给大家一个预告。这个预告只会告诉你大致发生了什么,但不会剧透任何细节。   1. Faster, Leaner Quicker  ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,546 views |
  • 外媒:duang到底是个什么鬼 火成这样!

      Duang的名声之广终于远播海外——英国美国澳洲各国媒体竞相争论:这个在汉字词典大全都找不到的词都是怎么上热搜的呀!怎么一夜之间大天朝全在duang~duang~duang~所以duang到底是个什么鬼!   我们先来看看BBC的报道,注意这则报道是在BBC Trending首页:What’s popular and why——   Title: Millions share new Chinese character   标题:全民都在duang~duang~duang~   T...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:13,228 views |
  • 外媒看中国 王健林击败马云重夺大陆首富

      Chinese real estate and entertainment billionaire Wang Jianlin has surpassed Jack Ma as the country’s richest man in the aftermath of a dive in e-commence giant Alibaba Group’s shares in New York.   电商巨头阿里巴巴的纽约股价暴跌,直接导致了中国首富王冠转移。房地产和娱乐行业的大富豪王健林取代马云一跃成为首富。   Alibaba plunged 8.8% to close at $89.8,...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,247 views |
  • 伦敦时装周上惊艳全场的变性模特!

      Transgender model Andreja Pejic took to the runway for the first time as a woman, during designer Giles Deacon’s show at London Fashion Week on Monday.   在伦敦时装周周一设计师贾尔斯亚·迪肯的秀场上,变性模特安德烈·皮吉斯第一次作为女人走上T台。   The 23-year-old Serbian model, who was formerly known as Andrej, before undergoing gender reassignmen...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,919 views |
  • 减肥新发现 要想瘦吃辣椒

      It’s long been thought that chillies can help us lose weight.   很长时间以来大多数人都觉的辣椒能帮助减肥。   Now, new research has proved the fiery food can aid weight loss by speeding up metabolism.   目前一项最新研究确实证实了这种说法:辛辣类食物确实能通过加快新陈代谢来帮助减肥。   A study found capsaicin – the ingredient that gives chilli...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,990 views |
  • 世界卫生组织:每天听歌超1小时伤听力

      People should listen to music for no more than one hour a day to protect their hearing, the World Health Organization suggests.   世界卫生组织(WHO)建议,为了保护听力,人们每天听音乐的时间最好不要超过1个小时。   It says 1.1 billion teenagers and young adults are at risk of permanently damaging their hearing by listening to “too much, too loudly...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,625 views |
  • 外媒看中国 热议柴静《穹顶之下》

      A documentary about China’s pollution problem has become a viral hit in the country over the weekend racking up over 100 million views in less than 24 hours.   上周末,一部有关污染问题的纪录片席卷了整个中国,在不到24小时的时间里其观看次数超过了1亿。   ’China’s Haze: Under the Doom’, a 143 minute presentation by former CCTV reporter Chai Ji...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,708 views |