• 长颈鹿:想知道高个儿脖子长要怎么睡觉吗!

      These towering beasts look like they need a comfy mattress but shut-eye’s not a giraffe’s biggest concern.   长得像塔一样的长颈鹿看起来很需要一张舒服的床垫,不过睡觉不是长颈鹿要操心的大事。   Just looking at these slumbering giraffes is enough to give you a crick in the neck – which is why the world’s tallest animals don’...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,060 views |
  • 非高跟女星不让进 戛纳着装要求惹争议

      Cannes Film Festival has come under fire after reports women were turned away from a red carpet screening for wearing flat shoes instead of heels.   戛纳电影节饱受抨击,因诸多新闻报导称没穿高跟鞋而着平底鞋的女性被拒之门外,不得走红地毯。   The women – some of whom were said to be older with medical conditions – were attending the world pre...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,897 views |
  • 让英语口语瞬间升级的表达 地道口语突破绝招

      学了那么多年English,在真实交流场合我们依然不敢张口,是不是因为我们的表达总是有点Chinglish?掌握以下这些表达技巧,将帮助你的口语瞬间升级,既高级又地道!   一起来看看大牛的分享吧,他还细心地为我们划分了使用场景。   我在澳洲生活了5年,雅思(课程)口语8分。我想对于所有英语(课程)学习者而言,听说读写四项较难的是表达output,即口语和写作。以下是我这些年在学习...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:英语学习方法 | 阅读:13,314 views |
  • 双语:追逐梦想且保住工作没有想象中那么难

      In the struggle to integrate work with a meaningful, fun, and fulfilling life, many of us find our big dreams colliding with our occupational realities. As much as we’d like to be starting our own businesses, finishing our novels, selling our albums, or getting out to those casting calls, we feel chained to our chairs, shackled to our spreadsheets, ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,129 views |
  • 爆黄晓明Angelababy法国拍婚纱照!

      After attending Cannes 2015, Angelababy is currently busy taking Wedding Photos with boyfriend Huang Xiaoming in France. They will next travel to Huang Xiaoming’s hometown in Qingdao for more photos.   在参加了2015年戛纳电影节之后,Angelababy当下正忙着和男友黄晓明在法国拍摄婚纱照。接下来他们会去黄晓明青岛的家乡拍更多照片。   According to reliabl...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:16,069 views |
  • 万万想不到:竹子并非大熊猫最理想食物?!

      The mystery of why giant pandas are forced to spend 14 hours a day eating foods has finally been solved – they can only digest around 17 per cent of the bamboo they swallow.   大熊猫不得不一天14个小时都在进食的谜题近日终于被解开了。它们只能消化大概17%吞食下去的竹子。   Researchers found their gut bacteria are not the type for efficiently breakin...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,742 views |
  • 各个击破:2015年英语四六级考试基本题型透析

      四六级(课程)考试即将开考,那么在最后的时间里,该如何针对各项题型有针对性的复习呢?   首先,利用历年真题。   从现在开始到考试之前每天做一套真题,考四级的同学上午做题下午做真题分析,考六级的同学下午做真题上午做真题分析,做题的时候严格按照考试时间进行,这样练习让自己容易进入考试状态,并且在规定的考试时间内能完成所有题目。   其次,熟悉并利用好做题的方法...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:英语学习方法 | 阅读:12,305 views |
  • 英国人也说卧槽?一起来学习地道英式惊叹词!

      和其他各国的小伙伴们一样,英国人在被震惊时也会大声惊呼。不过和大多数人不同,因为受传统英式礼貌的限制,这些表达震惊的短语通常被视作不雅的粗口。下面就一起来领略一下英式“卧槽”吧!   1、Bloody hell!   这是最常见并通用于各种场合的英式惊呼之一。从语言学上来说,“Bloody hell”是一种避免爆粗的委婉表达。“bloody”应该是“By Our Lady”(即圣母玛利亚)的缩略语。这个词...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,647 views |
  • 对纸币说不 丹麦有望成为首个无现金国家

      The Danish government on Wednesday proposed getting rid of the obligation for selected retailers to accept payment in cash, moving the country closer to a “cashless” economy.   周三,丹麦政府提议,取消部分指定零售行业必须接受现金支付的规定,加快该国实现无现金经济的步伐。   Nearly a third of the Danish population uses MobilePay, a smartphon...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,444 views |
  • 专家预言:8种职业未来将被机器人代替!

      Soon you could be competing with a robot for a job.   很快,你就会和机器人竞争上岗啦!   Amy Webb, a digital media futurist and founder of Webbmedia Group, predicts at least eight career fields are “ripe for disruption” very soon — like in the next 10 to 20 years.   据数字未来主义者兼韦伯集团的创立人埃米·韦伯预言,至少有八大领域,...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,021 views |