• 六级备考:2015年作文备考法术——功能段落法

      一、“功能段落”突破CET写作   诚然,六级写作是需要背模板的,但绝不是盲目地背。   整篇背诵模板不是最有效的方法,因为模板的写作思路是固定的,然而很多时候试题的命题思路可能与所背模板思路不同。因此,可能导致“所背非所考”,甚至导致文不对题,生搬硬套。   但是,无论六级写作话题如何变化,一般都对应三个或两个汉语提纲。只要按提纲要求去写相应的内容段落,就做到了...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:英语学习方法 | 阅读:12,226 views |
  • 备考指南:2016年考研英语暑期复习计划指导

      一、规划   合理安排时间   建议大家做题时间最好选在每天下午2:00-5:00,应该有意识的锻炼自己的英语(精品课)答题兴奋点,因为咱们真正考研(课程)时间正好在这个时间段。   英语的复习时间因人而异,酌情安排。但一定的是,英语的复习时间是呈递减趋势的。千万不要指望后期英语会有飞跃。我英语相对弱项,所以直到考试前一周还保持着2、3个小时左右的复习时间。   复习资料 ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:英语学习方法 | 阅读:12,479 views |
  • Gossip必备:想聊八卦?超实用的八卦口语大全!

      八卦的开场白   俗话说,好事不出门,坏事传千里。八卦消息总是传播得特别快,挡也挡不住,虽说现在人们有言论自由,但是也有很多人因此而受到伤害。来看看英语(精品课)中关于八卦都是如何开场的吧!   Rumor has it that…   Rumor是“谣言”的意思,rumor has it that表示“人们都这样说”、“听很多人说”。That后面跟听说的内容。虽然道听 途说不一定是真的,但至少八卦终于...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,792 views |
  • 双语阅读:新手机应用 可让你提前在机场点餐

      Whether there’s simply not enough time, or the queues are too big, getting food in the airport terminal is a challenging task.   不管是因为时间紧张,还是排队过长,在机场候机楼,吃饭是一项颇具挑战性的任务。   But an app has been developed that allows users to order their meals in advance, meaning they can relax through security knowing their tabl...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,048 views |
  • 备考指南:想要学好英语 你应该保持的5个习惯

      1、背单词的习惯   似乎背单词永远是中国学生英语(精品课)好坏的标准,也是考察的重要内容,那么我首先要和大家谈这个问题,就是背单词的习惯问题。   首先,重复次数不是越多越好。同次背诵的时候,抄写或者朗读的次数不是越多越好,而是在72小时内进行有效的重复,基本上我们喜欢做的抄10次就够了,再多的次数其实在不久之后就会很容易忘记,还有就是不要担心一次背太多会忘得太...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:英语学习方法 | 阅读:12,698 views |
  • 双语阅读:在智能的时代 我们失去的10种技能

      1. Memorizing phone numbers   记电话号码的能力   It was a hassle remembering numbers. Now we simply add them to our contacts list. That usually works well unless our device is lost, stolen, or damaged. No one can be expected to remember all their contact numbers. What we can do is memorize 5 of our most important contact numbers. This should include a...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,163 views |
  • 2015世界大学排名TOP20:亚洲仅2所上榜

      The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) publishes the only global university ranking that measures the quality of education and training of students as well as the prestige of the faculty members and the quality of their research without relying on surveys and university data submissions.   世界大学排名中心(CWUR)发布了全球唯一的大学排名情况,...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,645 views |
  • 2015全球最富夫妻TOP10:盖茨夫妻夺第一

      According to data compiled by Wealth-X, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, are the world’s wealthiest couple, with a combined net worth of $85.7 billion.   根据研究公司Wealth-X提供的数据显示,微软公司的联合创始人比尔·盖茨与她的妻子梅琳达是世界上最为富有的夫妻,净资产共有857亿美元。   Amancio Ortega Gaona, the co-founder of Sp...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,563 views |
  • 双语阅读:丈夫偷吸烟 遭谷歌街景图“出卖”

      A man who vowed to give up smoking has been caught out after his wife spotted him having a secret cigarette on Google Street View.   一名男子曾发誓不再吸烟,妻子利用谷歌街景地图逮到他偷偷吸烟。   Donny Ryding from Leasowe, Merseyside, had been warned by doctors to quit smoking and to adopt a healthy diet after suffering from a heart attack.. The taxi ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,985 views |
  • BBC:富人如何越来越富?花样投资有诀窍

      When many of us have a little cash to invest, we might buy a mutual fund or a stock — if we don’t blow it on the latest tech gadget. Not the truly wealthy, however. They often put their money in property, art, businesses and other investments that the rest of us can only dream of owning. How this rarified group uses their cash differentiates them from the...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,617 views |