• 把模板变成自己的作文:教你淡化痕迹的窍门

      雅思(课程)写作总是让我们多数考生头疼的一大问题,即使雅思老师,也常常是雅思听力满分,作文7分。由于难以提高,缺少方法,雅思写作模板长期在雅思考生中流传使用。但是,在备考雅思过程中,多数考生过度依赖和使用模板,缺少自己的思考内容,缺乏灵活的变通技巧。这常导致抄袭倾向。淡化模板的痕迹也变得受重视起来。本文中雅思小编告诉大家,如何才能让模板变成自己的作文。   ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:英语学习方法 | 阅读:12,464 views |
  • 改掉这些说法:英语中最典型的12个中国式错误

      很多中国人说英文时习惯先想中文,再翻译过来,这样会导致很多说法不地道,比如以下最典型的12句:   1.这个价格对我挺合适的。   误:The price is very suitable for me.   正:The price is right.   【提示】suitable(合适的、相配的)最常见的用法是以否定的形式出现在告示或通知上,如:下列节目儿童不宜。The following programme is not suitable for children. 这句话...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,675 views |
  • 双语:小黄人拉花咖啡 创意拿铁萌翻旧金山

      Some artists work in charcoal, others watercolor and some use … foam?   有的艺术家用炭笔、有的用水彩,还有些用……泡沫?   Melannie Aquino works at the Elite Audio Coffee Bar in downtown San Francisco. Like many baristas, she began experimenting with latte art to mix up the grind of pulling shots all day long.   美兰纳·阿坤诺在圣弗朗西斯科商业区...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,192 views |
  • 洋品牌来到中国:看看接地气的“雷人”译名

      Windows XP   当年XP系统刚出来的时候,老百姓图省事,叫“叉P”的似乎不在少数。   Google——谷歌   Google李开复说:07年他最遗憾的事情是仍然有很大部分的网民不知道google如何发音、如何拼写,大家都叫google为go-go。Google的诨名包括“古狗”“狗狗”等等,当然,颇具争议的“谷歌”结束了这些诨名。   小编:记得当初“谷歌”这个名字定下来的时候,很多google粉丝都觉得这个名字...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,721 views |
  • 12个让你魅力四射的简便方法

      1. Keep Smile   1、保持微笑   Keep a smile on your face. When you smile, you look more friendly and approachable. People feel comfort to deal with you. No matter what you are feeling inside, smile!   脸上要时常挂着微笑。当你微笑的时候,你看起来会更加平易近人,人们跟你在一起会感到轻松愉快。不管你心里有什么感受都要微笑!   2. Maintain Facial Hair  ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,502 views |
  • 比尔•盖茨告诉你:这个夏天该读哪些书

      Last year, there was only one book on my summer reading list that you could reasonably call a beach read. This year I tried to pick a few more things that are on the lighter side. Each of these books made me think or laugh or, in some cases, do both. I hope you find something to your liking here. And if it’s not summer where you live, this list will still...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,854 views |
  • 网友倾情整理:5招教你识别渣男

      I have finally just learned what a “fuckboy” is, and I’m so glad someone came up for a word for the guy we’ve known, for generations, to exist. Fuckboys look different as time moves on, but they are, at their core, exactly the same.   我最终明白渣男是怎么一回事。有人给这样一个世世代代都存在的类型的人起了“渣男”这一称呼,让我很是高兴。时代在发展,渣男的外...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:14,601 views |
  • 西班牙小镇丧心病狂 市长规定每天午睡3小时

      You know that feeling… you’ve just had lunch, it’s several hours since you got up and it’s even longer until you’ll get back into bed, but you could just do with a bit of shut eye.   你知道那种感觉吗……你刚刚享用完午餐,距你起床已经过了几个小时,而距你回到床上又还有更长的几个小时,但是你却可以闭上眼睛小睡一会。   Well, you may want to move to Ador in V...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,508 views |
  • 学习外语最佳方法:为自己营造一个文化孤岛

      Are you trying to learn a new language in a foreign land? You might be better off if you stopped looking at that picture of your family and friends.   你是否正身处异国他乡,正在努力学习一门新的语言?如果你能放下那张家人和亲友的照片不再看它,也许你的学习之旅或许能事半功倍。   When learning a new language, your brain is running a whole new neuropathway,...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,901 views |
  • 瘦一时胖一世:研究称穿紧身裤容易发胖

      They are a staple in any fashion-conscious woman’s wardrobe, coming in a rainbow of colours and shades, giving them the power to transcend the seasons.   紧身牛仔裤是每位时尚女性的衣橱里都必不可少的,什么样的颜色和设计风格都应有尽有,且这种裤子四季皆宜。   Taking the place of the 70s flare, or the 90s bootleg cut, skinnies are the iconic jean of...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,109 views |