比伯曝童年照 粉丝直呼太萌不敢看


He’s developed a reputation as quite the bad boy.
But Justin Bieber wasn’t always covered in tattoos let alone the defendant in numerous cases involving drag racing and vandalism.
On Friday the 20-year-old posted a throwback snap of himself to Instagram showing him at a more innocent phase of his life, which quickly threw his fans into a giddy craze of adulation for the undeniably adorable portrait.
The singer posted the snap with the simple caption ‘throwback’, featuring himself as a young boy cuddling with a teddy bear.
His hair is cropped short as his brown eyes twinkle with a familiar smile, in what looked to be a department store children’s portrait.
The picture quickly garnered likes in the hundreds of thousands as numerous fans began commenting with obvious devotion.
Meanwhile, Bieber shows his affection in mysterious ways. The pop star posted a flattering photo of what appeared to be his on/off girlfriend Selena Gomez’s skirt-clad derriere to his Instagram page on Thursday.

He and Selena have hit the headlines recently after they reunited and have been snapped together recently on various dates.

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该日志由 1zanxin 于2014年10月09日发表在 双语阅读 分类下,
原创文章转载请注明: 比伯曝童年照 粉丝直呼太萌不敢看 | 英语学习网站大全的博客
