来许愿吧 壮观双子座流星雨来袭

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A spectacular meteor shower lit up the skies last night with 100 shooting stars an hour as the celestial firework display reached its fiery peak.
Sky-watchers across the world braved freezing temperatures to enjoy the Geminid meteor shower after astronomers said the weather conditions were close to perfect for the annual spectacle.
Shooting stars were seen streaking across the night sky just after midnight in London and past the Dover Patrol Memorial in St Margarets Bay, Kent.
The meteor shower was visible in both hemispheres and was spotted from Skopje in Macedonia to Washington in the US because of the clear skies.
This is a photo pictured along the Isle of Wight west coast near Chale.
Geminid meteors can shine in different colours and may appear red, blue, green, or yellow, as seen last night in Buckinghamshire.
The meteors, which travel at more than 22 miles per second, were visible from 10pm above Skopje, Macedonia, as the moon rose late.
Photographer John Baker said the viewing conditions on Dartmoor were almost perfect and among the best he’s seen.
The Milky Way and the Big Dipper, also known as the Plough, are seen here reflected in an icy pond on Dartmoor last night.
A village in Buckinghamshire was illuminated by the light of the moon and hundreds of shooting stars streaking through the sky.

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该日志由 1zanxin 于2014年12月16日发表在 双语阅读 分类下,
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