
I met my husband 43 years ago, on a blind date. Needless to say, itwas successful.



Over the years, I’ve noticed as friends compared stories abouttheir nuptials,how many of them met on blind dates. I started to think about whatmade these blind dates work out so well. What did they all have incommon? 



Here are ten things I think will lead you to a successful blinddate:



1. Know the person who is fixing you up, and be sure that personknows you. If your matchmaker knowsyou, your values, likes and dislikes, they will have a good handleon what would be an awesome blind date. Communicating with yourmatchmaker about your proposed meeting will go a long way towardshaving a good experience. Be up front and don’t be afraid to askfor a picture or description of your date. The more information youhave in the beginning, the better it is in the end.



2. Start with a phone call. Before going out on a blind date, it isimportant to talk to your prospective date on the phone, listen toher voice, ask about her background and interests, so when you goon that first date, though it’s blind, it’s not in the dark.



3. Remember good hygiene.Though it goes without saying, it’s impossible to be objective withyourself. As a result, you may have a hygiene problem and not knowit. A good buddy can put you on the right track ASAP.



4. Limit alcohol intake, and never drink before your date. Thoughnerves can tempt you to take that one calming drink, override thatimpulse and meet your date with clarity.



5. Have fun. Find something new and interesting for both of you.From your phone conversations,you already have a heads up about her interests, likes anddislikes.
5. 找乐子。做一些对你们两个人都是新奇有趣的事情。在和对方的那一通电话里,你已经对她的兴趣爱好有所了解了。



6. Be authentic. If you allow yourself to be the real you, thenthat second date will be becauseshe likes you.
6. 做真实的自己。如果你愿意做真实的自己,那么对方和你第二次约会的原因是她真的喜欢你。



7. Be positive. Nobody likes a curmudgeon.
7. 态度要亲和友善。没人喜欢脾气不好的人。



8. Don’t control, don’t be possessive, and don’t manipulate. Womenlisten for that on a first date, and it is often their number onered flag.
8. 不要想着控制、占有、暗中操控。女人在第一次约会时就能把这些听出来,而通常她们觉得这些是头号危险信号。



9. Be generous. Women read generosity asa reflection of a generous heart. For example, be generous withyour feelings, be open, share your story, listen to hers… andpick up the bill.



10. Dress for success. Put on something you’re comfortable in, thatyou like, and that you don’t have to think about once you walk outthe door. When you feel good about yourself, you emote confidence,rather than insecurity and neediness.


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