小测试:吃饭类型揭露性格 你是哪一种?

The Slow Eater
After everyone else has finished their meal, you’ll find thisperson plodding along, eating one little bite at a time. Whensitting down at the table, the slow eater takes his or her sweettime — and is always the last person to finish the meal.
Slow eaters are usually people who like to be in control andknow how to appreciate life. They also tend to be confident andeven-keeled. There are some real health perks to being a sloweater. Slow eating has been shown to be associated with decreasedenergy intake, increased satiety, and higher pleasantness ratingsof meals.
The Fast Eater
There’s a good chance you or someone else in your family fitsthe description of the fast eater — and if you grew up with a fasteater, you probably developed a habit of fighting for seconds. Thisperson tends to barrel through meals, cleaning the plate before therest of the table has finished even half of their meal.
Away from the table, fast eaters tend to be ambitious,goal-oriented and open to new experiences, but they may also have atendency to be impatient.
The Adventurer
The adventurous eater is always looking for the nextgastronomic adventure. When it comes to food — and probably otherareas of life — this person is a thrill-seeker and arisk-taker.
Being an adventurous eater shows one’s openness to trying newthings outside of one’s comfort zone.
The Picky Eater
This person may never have grown out of their childhood likesand dislikes, or the tendency to turn up his or her nose at anunfamiliar cuisine. This eater can often be found asking a waiterif the dish can be served without sauce or with dressing on theside.
Research on ‘food neophobia’ — the reluctance to try newfoods — shows that it is related to certain personality traits,including sensation seeking, anxiety, and neuroticism. Those highin food neophobia appear to associate many avoided foods with asense of disgust.
The Isolationist
The isolationist, one of the more unusual eating types,approaches the plate methodically, eating one food item in itsentirety before moving on to the next.
This behavior conveys a task-oriented personality versus amulti-tasking individual. Also, it conveys a disciplined andborder-line stubborn tendency to complete one task before moving onto another.


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该日志由 1zanxin 于2016年02月24日发表在 双语阅读 分类下,
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