
New data from Alipay show 82% of the transactions on its platform in 2017 were made through mobile devices, mostly smart phones.


There were 520 million Alipay users in China, or around 37 percent of the country’s population, in 2017. Alibaba’s payment unit provides services which allow payments both through computers and through mobile devices.

Across the country, Alipay users in northern province of Shanxi and southwestern province of Guizhou appear to be the most dependent on mobile devices, with mobile payments accounting1 for 92% of their transactions over the past year.

Over 90% of the transactions made by users in more than 10 different provincial2 regions were conducted through mobile devices.

Mobile payments, which usually begin by scanning a quick response code, have rapidly become popular in China through the past few years.

The rise of mobile payments has been partly backed by easier access to quick response, or QR codes. More than 40 million small retailers3 across China, according to Alipay, established their own quick response codes in 2017.

Most of the codes used in the country, however, are not domestically developed. It’s estimated Japanese codes accounted for 65% of the market share in China.


1 accounting nzSzsY
A job fell vacant in the accounting department.财会部出现了一个空缺。
There’s an accounting error in this entry.这笔账目里有差错。
2 provincial Nt8ye
City dwellers think country folk have provincial attitudes.城里人以为乡下人思想迂腐。
Two leading cadres came down from the provincial capital yesterday.昨天从省里下来了两位领导干部。
3 retailers 08ff8df43efeef1abfd3410ef6661c95
零售商,零售店( retailer的名词复数 )
High street retailers reported a marked increase in sales before Christmas. 商业街的零售商报告说圣诞节前销售量显著提高。
Retailers have a statutory duty to provide goods suitable for their purpose. 零售商有为他们提供符合要求的货品的法定义务。

本文固定链接: https://www.yywz123.com/blog/6441.html | 英语学习网站大全的博客

该日志由 1zanxin 于2018年01月05日发表在 杂谈 分类下,
原创文章转载请注明: 2017支付宝交易82%由移动设备完成 | 英语学习网站大全的博客
