
If you’re good at games, you might also be good at everything else.


That’s according to a new study that found two of the world’s most popular video games act like IQ tests. Those who are the best at them also get the highest scores on traditional intelligence tests, suggesting that video games might actually make you smarter.

Both games – League of Legends and Defence of the Ancients 2 (DOTA 2) – combine strategic1 thinking with quick reactions, and so could both reward and train up particular kinds of thinking.

That seemed to be confirmed by the study, which compared people’s levels of skill in the games with their IQ. The better people were at playing, the more their intelligence score, it found.

A similar study that looked at chess suggested that more conventional2 games are good markers of intelligence, too.


1 strategic ItCwp
The army moved for strategic reasons.军队作了战略转移。
The bridge is of strategic importance to us.这座桥对我们至关重要。
2 conventional tYuza
After a conventional opening remarks,he made a brilliant speech.在一个常规的开场白后,他做了个很精彩的演讲。
It is simpler and quicker to use than conventional methods.这比通常的做法更简单、更快捷。

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该日志由 1zanxin 于2018年03月12日发表在 杂谈 分类下,
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