词组:in queer street

in queer street
In a position of trouble, danger, or difficulty, especially due to having a lot of debt or other financial worries. Primarily heard in UK.

英 [ɪn kwɪə(r) striːt] 美 [ɪn kwɪr striːt]


Queer Street was an imaginary street where people in difficulties were supposed to live. The phrase has been used since the early 19th century to indicate various kinds of misfortune, but its predominant use has been to refer to financial difficulty.

Queer Street是一条假象的街道,有困难的人应该住在那里。这个短语自19世纪初以来一直被用来表示各种各样的不幸,但它的主要用途一直是指经济困难。

We’ll be in Queer Street if she don’t come round.

Such extravagance will surely put him in Queer Street.

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该日志由 1zanxin 于2022年04月01日发表在 杂谈 分类下,
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