• 职场英语:十句经典电影台词彻底搞定面试官

      一句精彩的引用可以让你的面试加分不少哦!下面是一些从电影中选出来的经典语录,你面试的时候不妨引用一下。不过首先还是要记住应该察言观色,在合适的时候说出来。   1、“There is no certainty, only opportunity.”V for Vendetta (2005) – V (Hugo Weaving)   没有一定会怎样,只有可能会怎样。–《V字仇杀队》,V(雨果-威明)   2、“A good plan today is better...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,755 views |
  • 职场英语:如何在危机时期保住自己的工作?

      While a recession may not be inevitable, the economy is showing slowed growth, and this could mean that some companies consider downsizing. Worries about a US recession have many also worrying about their jobs.   当经济消退不可避免、增长放缓的时候,就意味着某些公司要考虑裁员了。美国经济消退让许多人对自己的饭碗也担心起来。   You want to make sure that ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,985 views |
  • 亚洲大学哪家强? 中国赶超日本排第一

      China has overtaken Japan as Asia’s number one nation for producing top universities.   中国已经超过日本,成为亚洲顶尖大学最多的国家。   While Japan’s University of Tokyo is the highest-placed institution in the Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2015, the country has lost ground overall, with the balance of power now tilting towards main...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,461 views |
  • 外媒深扒:英国女王到底多有钱?

      News that the Crown Estate returned record profits of £285m last year means the Queen is expected to receive a further £2m in public funding next year. But just how rich is the Queen and where does her wealth come from?   有消息称英国皇家财产管理公司去年利润创历史记录,达2.85亿,也就是说,英国女王明年有望公共基金再多入200万英镑。但女王到底多富有?她的...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,523 views |
  • 托福深度记忆攻略:实现单词海量的终极梦想

      单词量在很大程度上决定了托福(课程)阅读的成绩,如何高效的背单词已经成为了很多学生关系的重点问题,今天新东方在线的范梦洋老师就来详细为大家解读如何攻克单词大关。   攻略1:“滚动记忆法”   很多学生常常拿出大块的时间来背单词,有的学生甚至每天拿出一上午或者一下午的时间都用来背单词。一次性摄入的单词总量比较大,但是同学们经常发现最后真正记住的单词却并不多。因此...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:英语学习方法 | 阅读:12,664 views |
  • 福布斯:2015全球最富有情侣/夫妻档艺人

      Ever since Beyoncé and Jay Z began dating over a decade ago, all sorts of rumors have surrounded their relationship. But one speculation that has not reached the tabloids is that either party said “I do” for the money.   10年前碧昂斯和Jay Z开始约会的时候,就一直有各种关于两人关系的传闻。但还从未有过任何小报称任何一方是看中了对方的财富而走到一起的。   ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,744 views |
  • 帅就一个字!陈坤孔雀大表哥出演阿玛尼广告

      They have both attracted female fans for their very different displays of style.   他们风格不一,都是女粉丝们倾慕的对象。   But Downton Abbey actor Dan Stevens and Magic Mike’s Matt Bomer have synced their wardrobe choices in a new ad for Italian designer Giorgio Armani.   这一次,在这个为意大利服装品牌设计师乔治·阿玛尼拍摄的广告大片中,《唐顿...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,639 views |
  • 亚投行即将签署协议 中国将成第一大股东

      China is hosting the signing ceremony of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), a new international financial institution set to rival the World Bank and Asian Development Bank.   中国将举办亚洲基础设施投资银行(以下简称亚投行)的签字仪式。这一新成立的国际金融机构将成为世界银行和亚洲发展银行的竞争对手。   Delegates from 57 countries will sig...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,717 views |
  • 双语:《人生七年》告诉我们的5条人生法则

      英国导演迈克尔·艾普特拍了一部很牛的BBC纪录片《人生七年》(《56UP》),导演选择了14个不同阶层的孩子进行跟踪拍摄,每七年记录一次、从7岁一直到56岁。很多文章解读说这就像之前天涯很火的那篇《寒门难再出贵子》,暴露了人生的残酷。   然而,一千个人眼中有一千个哈姆雷特。在这里换个角度另类解读这部每7年就火一次的纪录片——《人生七年》告诉我们的5条人生法则。   1. Life ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,720 views |
  • 惊呆了没:中英文神相似的表达 直接翻译也地道

      1. Blood is thicker than water.   Family relationships are stronger than any others.   中文里的“血浓于水”,这算是完全直译喽。   2. Be able to do something in your sleep   To be able to do something very easily because you have done it many times before.   中文里可以对应“我闭着眼睛也能…”。   例如:   I haven’t done many portraits, but I...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,182 views |