• 超酷炫!详解贝克汉姆纹身的40个秘密!

      He just got the number ’99′ added to his extensive tattoo collection to mark one of the happiest years of his life.   他把数字99加入了错综复杂的纹身大集合里,以纪念他人生中最幸福的一年。   And it is safe to say that David Beckham’s love of body art will see him squeeze many more inkings into his already intricately decorated physique...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:14,021 views |
  • 职场英语:解读职场万人迷 他们有这11个特点

      Some people, regardless of what they lack—money, looks, or social connections—always radiate with energy and confidence. Even the most skeptical individuals find themselves enamored with these charming personalities.   有些人,无论他们是否缺乏丰厚的财富,还是光鲜亮丽的外表,抑或是强大的人脉,他们都总是散发着精力充沛,自信心满满的气场。甚至是最吹毛求疵的...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,013 views |
  • 让你过目不忘的翻译:盘点英文翻译九宗“最”

      1. 最纠结翻译   Asia is four times larger than Europe.   亚洲是欧洲的四倍大 / 亚洲比欧洲大三倍。   【点评】最让众亲颠覆世界观价值观的翻译大概就是这句话了。到底是几倍?傻傻分不清楚!相信大家的高中老师们绝对都有各种说法。小编来纠正你的人生观:N times as large as和 N times larger than 意思相同!   2. 最形象翻译   peanut-buttering (花生油???) ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:13,039 views |
  • 囧研究:为什么总感觉回程比去程快?

      It’s not just holidays that fly by. The journey home often seems extra-quick. Even although it is exactly the same distance as the outward leg, it seems to pass faster. And now, scientists have confirmed the phenomenon.   不只是假期才时光飞逝,回家的旅程似乎也常常格外地快。尽管外出和返程距离一样远,时光似乎流逝的更快。科学家现已经证实了这一现象。   To...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,772 views |
  • 关于windows10你必须了解的8件事

      If you’re new to the party and have questions, I’ve got some answers on the latest step for Windows.   如果你刚接触Windows 10,对此还有疑问,那么我可以回答你一些Windows的最新进展。   1. When can I upgrade? And how much will it cost?   1.我什么时候可以更新我的系统?要花多少钱?   Windows 10 launches tonight, July 28 at 9 p.m. PT. ItR...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,137 views |