• 男人什么表现说明他喜欢你 6个暗示告诉你

    Despite attempts to look calm, cool, and collected like any other man, there are a number a things I will do around an initial date that clue you in that I’m interested. Here are a few: 在与女士第一次约会的时候,我会像其他所有男士一样保持冷静、淡定、从容的态度,尽管如此,你还是可以从我的某些举止中得到暗示,发现我对对方心存好感。比如下面所说的几件事。 男...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,547 views |
  • 自恋的人桃花运旺 约会中更受欢迎

    Narcissists aren’t just attractive to themselves. They are, at least superficially, attractive to other people. 自恋者不只是对自己有吸引力。至少从表面上看,他们对其他人也有吸引力。 And as a new study of speed dating led by Emanuel Jauk of the University of Graz, in Austria, finds, people rate them as more attractive and more dateable.  澳大利亚格拉茨大学伊曼纽...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,533 views |
  • 久坐族福利:不去健身房也瘦臀又瘦腿哦!

    Do you think that your butt1 and/or thighs2 are too big in relation to your upper body? Do you dislike formal exercise, gym membership3, and diet programs but still want to get a smaller butt and/or thighs? Consider the following steps that force you to exercise more. 你有没有觉得你的臀和(或是)大腿与你的上体相比太过宽大了?你是不是讨厌正经的锻炼、健身房办卡...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,390 views |
  • 从改变生活方式做起,有7成几率可预防癌症

    Americans seem very afraid of cancer, with good reason. Unlike other things that kill us, it often seems to come out of nowhere. 美国人似乎非常惧怕癌症,而且有着充分的理由。跟其他那些杀死我们的东西不一样,癌症仿佛总是从天而降。 But evidence has increasingly accumulated that cancer may be preventable, too. Unfortunately, this has inflamed1 as much as it has ass...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,446 views |
  • 甩不掉小肚腩,除了饮食还有这些原因

    We all know that ditching carbs and alcohol can help shift theweight around our middle but did you know there’s plenty of otherreasons you may be struggling to get a flat stomach that don’t haveanything to do with the food that passes your lips? 我们都知道,减少摄入碳水化合物和酒精可以帮我们甩掉腰部赘肉,但我们不知道的是,为了甩掉小肚腩我们还要和其...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,853 views |
  • 喝水不够对身体造成的不良后果

    Besides the fact that you’d literally1 die without it, there are many, MANY imperative2reasons to drink water frequently, every single day. It starts out pretty mild – you might feel thirsty and have a dry mouth. But the long-term effects of not drinking enough water not only have an effect on your weight (in a bad way), but they’re also extr...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,326 views |
  • 中国有哪些常用的网络短语

    What are some Chinese phrases commonly used online? 中国有哪些常用的网络短语? 获得1.3k好评的答案@Thomas Yao 233 means LOL. “233”意思就是大声笑。 卧槽 means WTF. “卧槽”意思是他妈的。 囧 is a Chinese character which is widely used as an emotion. “囧”是个汉字,经常被用作一个表情。 高富帅 describes a male who is tall, rich and handsome. “高富帅”形容个子高、有钱而...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,626 views |
  • 这个男子和手机结婚了!还给手机戴了婚戒!

    Last month, artist Aaron Chervenak drove from LosAngeles to Las Vegas, Nevada to finally take the love for hissmartphone to the next level by marrying it at a smallwedding chapel1.And yeah, in case you’re wondering, he even put a ring on it. 上个月,艺术家亚伦查维纳克从洛杉矶驱车前往内华达拉斯维加斯去升华他的手机之恋,在一家小婚礼教堂里与手机结为连理,他甚至还...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,345 views |
  • 控制好事情的优先级 而不是控制好你的时间

    Your to-do list is crammed1 full and you only have so many hours in the day. How can you ever get it all done? For starters, stop trying to figure out how to fit everything in. Instead, focus on the high-priority tasks that matter. 你的任务清单排得很满,但是你每天只有那么多的时间。如何才能将所有的事情做完呢?首先,不要总想着如何完成所有的事。而是集中精力完成最...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,331 views |
  • 原来你是这样的谢耳朵微访谈 大谈中文经历

    前段时间,谢耳朵的扮演者吉姆·帕森斯在微博上进行了微访谈,笑料满满欢乐多多。做客肥伦秀的时候谈起这段经历,全程骄傲脸:I AM ON WEIBO!为了玩微博这孩子还把手机调成了中文,结果被汉语吓懵逼了,超可爱的说~  原来你是这样的谢耳朵微访谈 大谈中文经历 以下英语君为你们选取了一些有意思的问答,带你了解一个不一样的“谢耳朵”! @放飞理想的有志青年yeah: Knock knock knock, sheldo...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,456 views |