



泰国,一个被称为“白象王国”的美丽国度。它位于亚洲中南半岛南部,是通往印度,缅甸和中国南部的天然门户。至今已有八百多年的历史,国土面积约51.3万平方公里,是一个由30多个民族组成的多民族国家,人口约6500万。 Located at the south of Indo-China peninsula, Thailand, a beautiful country that is well known as “the nation of white elephant”, is an important gateway to India, Burma and southern China. The country has an area of 513,000 sq.km and a population of 65 million. Thailand has a history over 800 years, which is a multinational country and made up more than 30 nations.

首都曼谷是东南亚第二大城市,是全国政治,经济,文化中心。泰国是东南亚最具异域风情的国家,同时,也是一个现代与传统相交融的大都市。它是“佛教之邦”,95%的泰国人都信奉佛教,其次8.3%的人信奉伊斯兰教。每年的4月13日到15日是泰国最盛大的节日—宋干节。 Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, as well as the second largest city in Southeast Asia, is the centre of politics, economy and culture in this country. Thailand is the most exotic countries in Southeast Asia, meanwhile, a modern and traditional metropolis. And it is the land of Buddhism, 90% residents believe in Buddhism and 8.3% people believe in Islam. The grandest festival is Songkran Festival, which is celebrated annually on April 13th to 15th.

泰国自然条件得天独厚。农业最为发达,适宜水稻生长的气候和环境,肥沃的土地,充沛的雨量,可耕地占全国土地面积的50%,这一切让它耕作业发达,其中泰国香米就很出名,如今泰国已经成为世界著名的“粮仓”。泰国旅游资源丰富,得天独厚的热带自然风光,吸引了大量的国内外游客,成为世界著名的旅游热点。 With suitable climate and environment, fertile land, abundant rainfall, and the 50% of national land available arable, Thailand enjoys a unique natural condition. It contributes the flourishing development of agriculture and makes it becomes the world’s famous “barn” .For example, Thai Fragrant rice is well-known in the world. With abundant tourism resources and unique tropical scenery, Thailand has became famous tourist destination, which attracting a large number of domestic and foreign tourists every year.

中泰两国人民的友谊源远流长。几百年前,很多中国人就开始漂洋过海到泰国定居,并逐渐成为泰国社会的一个重要组成部分。1975年,中泰建交,如今,泰国是我国第13大贸易合作伙伴,两国在科技,文化,卫生,教育,司法等领域的合作稳步发展。我们相信中国—东盟自贸区的建成,一定会给两国的合作带来更辉煌的成就。 The people of China and Thailand have a long history like a stream that has come long way. Hundreds of years ago, many Chinese began to settle in Thailand and have become an important part of Thai society. In 1975, China and Thailand have built the diplomatic relations, and now, Thailand is China’s 13th largest trading partner. The two countries’s cooperation in science and technology, culture, health, education, justice and other fields has developed steadily. We believe that the completion of China – ASEAN Free Trade Area, must bring more brilliant achievements between our two countries.




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该日志由 1zanxin 于2012年12月26日发表在 英语学习资源推荐 分类下,
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