• 单身狗慎点:10大类约会达人的非典型标签

      1. Ghosting   如鬼魅般消失   Definition: When the person you’re seeing suddenly stops responding to any means of communication. It is literally like they become a complete ghost.   定义:当你约会的对象突然间就不再与你有任何形式的交流。字面上意思就是说他们完全成了鬼,消失不见。   Used in a sentence: “We went on three dates and then she ghosted me.”...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:14,663 views |
  • 艾薇儿确诊莱姆症:盘点饱受病痛折磨的明星

      It’s been a long road to recovery for Avril Lavigne following her Lyme disease diagnosis last year, and the pop star still gets emotional while talking about her ongoing battle with the illness.   去年艾薇儿·拉维尼被确诊患上莱姆症,她的恢复之路漫长而又艰辛。在访谈节目中谈到这场不间断的、与病魔的战斗,这位流行明星仍然难以抑制自己的情绪,感慨不已。 ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:13,217 views |
  • 读英文报纸 提高英语阅读水平的10个大招

      1. 选取文章时,选择比自己现有水平高一点的文章   太简单的文章学不到新东西,太难了又看不懂容易打击学习积极性。所以说,偶尔的几个生词,结合你感兴趣的阅读素材——BINGO!   2. 学会快速泛读   不要觉得逐字逐句的精读是提高英文水平的关键。有时候提高理解力更为重要:学会一目十行(英文)的技能,瞬间理解全文大意,会让你很有成就感哦!   3. 第一遍读切忌查字典   ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:英语学习方法 | 阅读:13,289 views |
  • 两个月练好英语口语妙招:语料积累 对话反射

      目前正在不断优化这个自我训练方法,欢迎反馈意见并注明具体原因。   (但一定是要按照方法执行过后再反馈哦)   这个方法和其它方法比较有以下优点:   · 单天花费时间短   · 大脑负担轻   · 不易产生挫败感   【认识口语训练的三个阶段】   · 语料的积累   · 对话的反射   · 语音的训练   【语料的积累】   1. 背单词(第一周、第二周)   所需教材   · 1...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:英语学习方法 | 阅读:12,592 views |
  • 教你五个地道英语赞美妹子 成功俘获芳心

      看到你心仪的姑娘,想搭讪?但怎样用正确、得体又不失幽默和风度的语言来称赞她呢?下面这些简单又给力的表达,你可一定要get 呀!   1. Have you done something to your hair? 你做头发了?   说这句话时对语调的把控很重要,可千万别让听话者感觉你是想说她的新发型很奇葩。   2. You are looking very glamorous today! 你今天格外光彩夺目!   这句话适用于书面或口语表...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:13,086 views |
  • 菲律宾男子18年做23次手术 终变现实版超人

      Lots of us dreamed of being a superhero when we were young – but one man’s gone a few steps further and transformed himself into the Man of Steel.   我们年轻的时候都梦想过变成超级英雄——但是这个男人付诸了实践,真的把自己打造成了“超人钢铁之躯”。   Herbert Chavez has undergone 23 surgeries at a cost of more than £4,400 to give himself the fa...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,530 views |
  • 职场英语:6条建议让创业者提高快速学习能力

      When you start your own business you need to make quick decisions and act on your feet to keep your assets intact. Learning new skills can also be very valuable, but I get it, there’s never a moment to spare. Wouldn’t it be nice to have an edge and actually consume information and learn new skills faster?   当你开创了自己的事业,你需要学会快速抉择...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,259 views |
  • 万万没想到:听重金属音乐有助于平复愤怒

      A recent study has found that “extreme” music genres — including heavy metal, emo, punk and screamo — may actually help calm angry listeners. Researchers say the results contradict the notion such music is linked to aggression and delinquency.   最近的一项研究发现“极端的”音乐类型——包括重金属音乐、情绪摇滚、朋克摇滚和尖叫核(注:...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,420 views |
  • 囧研究:41%美国人相信人类和恐龙共存过

      Many believe that dinosaurs and humans once coexisted, but most know that current technology doesn’t allow for cloning dinosaurs from fossils.   很多人认为恐龙和人类曾经共存过,但大多数人知道目前的科技并不允许由化石克隆恐龙。   The recent release of Jurassic World broke records for the best opening weekend ever, taking in $208.8 million in North...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,812 views |
  • 脸书上获赞10万的大眼宝宝:心都萌化了!

      She has amassed legions of fans on social media, inspired memes with her big blue eyes and even caught the attention of the Kardashians, but she is only eight months old.   她在社交媒体上累积了一大波粉丝,那双水汪汪的蓝色大眼激发了无数网络脑洞,甚至还吸引了卡戴珊姐妹的注意力——但这小家伙才8个月大呢!   Egypt, the daughter of Australian rapper and ̵...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,708 views |