
Choosing an active way to get to work could make a bigdifference in how much weight creeps on in middle age, a large U.K.study suggests.
Studying tens of thousands of commuters over age 40,researchers found that people who drove to work weighed more andhad a higher percentage of body fat than those who got to work bywalking, biking or public transportation.Those who commuted bybicycle were the leanest of all, but even taking the train waslinked to lower body weight and body fat, the authors report in TheLancet Diabetes and Endocrinology.
“We know that exercise protects against obesity and chronicdiseases. However, we all struggle to fit enough of it into ourbusy lives,” said lead author Ellen Flint of the London School ofHygiene and Tropical Medicine.
“This study shows that people who manage to build physicalactivity into their daily commute have significantly lower bodyweight and healthier body composition than those who commute bycar,” Flint told Reuters Health by email.
In the U.S., about one third of adults are obese and no morethan about 18 percent commute to work by walking or biking,according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cartravel was the most common method of commuting, with 64 percent ofmen and 61 percent of women reporting they drove for all or part oftheir commutes.Men and women who commuted to work by any meansother than driving had lower body fat percentage and BMI comparedto adults who commuted by car, researchers found.Even afteraccounting for a wide range of characteristics and lifestyleinformation about the participants, active commuting methods werelinked to lower body weight and body fat.

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