
A 3-month-old panda cub1 born at a Japanese zoo has been named “Xiang Xiang,” or fragrance2 in Chinese, reports thepaper.cn.

The name has been chosen from around 320,000 suggestions from the public. It’s been approved by Chinese authorities.

The Tokyo Zoo says the panda remains3 healthy and is growing rapidly. It now weighs nearly 4.5 kilograms and is around 55 centimeters long. It’s very likely that the baby panda is beginning to teethe.

Zoo keepers say the cub is not old enough yet to see things clearly. It does react to light, and has begun testing its motor skills.

The Tokyo Zoo’s resident giant panda, Shin Shin, gave birth to Xiang Xiang on June 12.


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该日志由 1zanxin 于2017年09月28日发表在 杂谈 分类下,
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