• “世界小姐”撤销比基尼泳装亮相

    The Miss America beauty pageant is scrapping its swimwear segment and will no longer judge competitors on physical appearance. 美国小姐选美大赛将取消泳衣穿着,不再以外貌来评判竞争对手。 The evening gown section is also being axed, with contestants asked to wear something that makes them feel good and expresses their personal style instead. 晚礼服部分也被砍掉了...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:11,705 views |
  • 中国特高压输电技术助力打造全球电网

    Deep in a tangle of planning bureaucracies in western Beijing, the future of a country nearly 3,000km away is under discussion. Xie Qiuye, president of China’s Electric Power Planning & Engineering Institute, has been charged with developing an electricity plan for Laos. 在云集北京西城区的众多规划部门中,有一个正在讨论某个近3000公里之外的国家的未来。中国电...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:11,847 views |
  • Jon Snow与Ygritte苏格兰大婚 《权力的游戏》恋情成真

    Game of Thrones stars Kit Harington and Rose Leslie have married at a ceremony in Aberdeenshire. 《权力的游戏》的演员基特哈灵顿和罗斯莱斯利在在阿伯丁郡举行了婚礼仪式。 The couple – who played on-screen lovers Jon Snow and Ygritte – met on the fantasy show in 2012. 这对情侣在2012年的奇幻节目中相识,他们曾在荧幕上扮演情侣琼恩雪诺和耶格里特。 Guests l...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,334 views |
  • 变本加厉?特朗普:加速驱逐非法移民绕过司法程序

    US President Donald Trump has called for speedy deportations that bypass any judicial process in a tweet on Sunday. 美国总统唐纳德-特朗普在星期天的推文中呼吁绕过任何司法程序迅速驱逐非法移民。 “When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came,” Mr Trump wrote. 特朗普写道:“当有人入境时...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:11,750 views |
  • 横扫,勇士4:0击败骑士,勇士王朝建立

    The Golden State Warriors earned their third NBA title in four seasons after completing a comprehensive 4-0 series win over the Cleveland Cavaliers. 在系列赛中金州勇士队赢得了四个赛季中的第三个NBA冠军,他们以4比0的比分横扫克利夫兰骑士队。 Coach Steve Kerr described the triumph as “the hardest so far” but his Warriors side routed the Cavs 108-84 to ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,613 views |
  • 七张图表带你深刻解读中国高考

    About 9.75 million Chinese students started to take the annual national college entrance examinations, commonly known as gaokao, from Thursday. 从周四开始,大约975万中国学生开始参加一年一度的全国高考。 The gaokao is widely considered to be the most important exam for Chinese secondary school students. Gaokao results are the main assessment standard for college...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,615 views |
  • 习近平上合青岛峰会欢迎晚宴致辞强调“上海精神”

    Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday highlighted the Shanghai Spirit at the welcoming banquet of the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit in Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province. 中国国家主席习近平9日出席第十八届上海合作组织( SCO )青岛峰会,并在欢迎宴会上强调了“上海精神”。青岛位于中国东部山东省。 “The Shanghai Spirit’s focus on seeking co...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,400 views |
  • 关于核时代的秘密与谎言你了解多少?

    THE Hanford nuclear complex in Washington state contained radioactive alligator carcasses. Nuns used their blood to daub crosses on a missile silo in Colorado. In Cumbria, northern England, 1,500 contaminated birds were killed and buried with some radioactive garden gnomes. 在华盛顿州汉福德核研究中心内,藏着具放射性的短吻鳄尸体。在科罗拉多州,修女们用自己的血...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,454 views |
  • 年轻网购族崛起,中国奢侈品市场重拾光彩

    After several years of slumber, China’s luxury market is finally returning to growth. You would not know that, though, from peering into its — mostly empty — high-end stores. 在沉睡了数年之后,中国奢侈品市场终于恢复了增长。虽然光看中国那些几乎空无一人的高端商店,你不会意识到这一点。 Western luxury brands have banked for years on rapid growth in China to drive ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,227 views |
  • 史上第一位007邦女郎去世,曾塑造美丽经典荧幕形象

    Eunice Gayson – the very first Bond girl – has died at the age of 90. 史上第一位邦女郎尤妮斯·盖里森于90岁去世。 The actress appeared in 1962 film Dr No playing Sylvia Trench opposite Sean Connery’s 007. 这位女演员出演了1962年的《007之诺博士》,她在里面扮演西尔维娅·特伦奇,和西恩·康纳利对戏。 Gayson famously appeared in the classic scene which saw t...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,379 views |