• 谷歌正改变着搜索规则

    Just a few years ago, search-engine optimization was widely considered a specialized knowledge of how to manipulate Google’s search rankings with clever, secret tactics. While that was an accurate assessment then, the SEO industry has matured. It is now a dynamic, multifaceted online-marketing discipline that transcends clever trickery, and has become a...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,136 views |
  • 比肩村上春树 阎连科荣获卡夫卡奖

    Chinese author Yan Lianke has received the prestigious Franz Kafka Prize in the Czech Republic. 中国作家阎连科在捷克荣获颇具声望的2014年弗兰茨·卡夫卡文学奖。 Yan said he was grateful as he accepted the annual $10,000 prize Wednesday at Prague’s City Hall.   卡夫卡文学奖的奖金为1万美元,阎连科在获奖后表达了自己的感谢。 Each spring, it’s awarded t...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,960 views |
  • 西班牙士兵当选宇宙最帅先生

    International titles and adoration can go to a person’s head but a Spanish soldier who was voted one of the hottest men in the world is determined to keep his boots on the ground. Despite winning the Mr Universe title recently, Ruben Lopez has vowed to continue learning and stick with his career in the army instead of seeking bigger or better things.  ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,938 views |
  • 英语学习网站推荐:新东方网

     新东方网是新东方教育科技集团推出的一站式学习互动交流平台,新东方网的内容涵盖了英语学习规划、成长导航、新东方搜课、新东方老师答问、在线咨询、网上测评、学习资讯、新东方学员服务、新东方社区等,更多精彩内容尽在新东方网。 课程导航:学前-主要是泡泡英语幼儿班课程;小学-主要是英语和数学的培优提高班课程;初中-主要是冲刺精品班课程;高中-主要是提高精品班;大学-主要是基...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:英语学习网推荐 | 阅读:13,273 views |
  • 生死相随 美百岁夫妇2天内相继离世

    Helen and Joe Auer have been inseparable for seven decades, and even death proved no match for their unbreakable, one-in-a-million bond.  海伦·奥尔和乔·奥尔携手走过七十多年从未分开过,连死神都没能把这对生死相伴的伴侣分开。 Helen Auer, from Cincinnati, Ohio, passed away peacefully at home last Wednesday at age 94.  妻子海伦来自美国俄亥俄州的辛辛那提市,上周...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,000 views |
  • 听贾斯汀比伯 有助提高工作效率

    Whether it is Mozart or Miley, your choice of music could determine whether you will perform well at your job. A new study suggests that listening to music in the office improves the speed and accuracy of tasks such as data entry, proof reading and problem solving. In an office-based experiment, 88 per cent of participants were found to produce their most acc...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,586 views |
  • 睡美人是种病 英女子每天睡22小时

    Teenagers are known for their ability to sleep for hours on end.   人在青少年时期总能一连睡上好几个小时。 But one young woman suffering from a rare condition gets up to 22 hours of shut-eye a night. 但是英国一年轻女子太能睡了,她每天要睡22个小时。 Beth Goodier, 20, suffers from Kleine-Levin Syndrome, also known as ‘Sleeping Beauty’ syndrome. 这...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:14,684 views |
  • 四喜临门 英女子一年连生4个宝宝

    With four babies under the age of 18 months, no wonder proud but exhausted parents Sarah Ward and Benn Smith end up prone on two sofas most evenings with barely enough energy to lift a cup of tea to their lips.   英国女子萨拉·瓦德在18个月的时间里生了4个小宝宝,这让萨拉和她的丈夫本·史密斯在骄傲的同时也非常疲惫。有了小宝宝之后的大多数晚上,两人都是瘫坐在沙发...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,787 views |
  • 小羊傻笑为哪般 只因误食千磅大麻

    A flock of sheep were left feeling rather woolly-headed after accidentally munching on thousands of pounds worth of cannabis plants.   一群绵羊感到头晕目眩,原来它们不小心嚼食了价值数千英镑的大麻类植物。 The animals began stumbling about after getting high on seven bags of the intoxicating plant, which had been dumped in their field.   这些动物误食了被人...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,924 views |
  • 英语学习网站推荐:扇贝网

      扇贝网是一个专业的词汇学习网站。 扇贝网核心教学理念: 温故即知新。简单地说,就是将用户需要学习的新词和曾经学过的单词关联起来,变着各种花样重复,同时在学习新知的过程中复习旧识。 扇贝网的页面很干净,除了学习的内容外,没有任何广告。 “我们不放广告,”王捷(扇贝网的两位创始人之一)说,“你可以把我们想象成一所学校或者一间教室,哪里有老师在上课上了一半的时候突然停...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:英语学习网推荐 | 阅读:14,245 views |