• 三江源出现罕见豹子

    A wildlife ranger has captured photographs of a rare species of leopard in the Sanjiangyuan area of northwest China’s Qinghai Province, local authorities said Thursday. 青海省政府周四表示,一位野生动物管理员在三江源地区拍到了一种罕见豹子的照片。 This was the first time a person has taken a photograph of the endangered species in the Sanjiangyuan area...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:11,918 views |
  • 美国佛州在建天桥坍塌 四人死亡

    A pedestrian bridge that was under construction collapsed onto a busy Miami highway Thursday afternoon, killing at least four people, authorities said. 周四下午,美国佛罗里达州一座正在建造中的人行天桥发生坍塌,造成至少四人死亡。 Search-and-rescue crews worked into the night, using dogs, search cameras and sensitive listening devices in a frantic search to find...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,050 views |
  • 三江源出现罕见豹子

    A wildlife ranger has captured photographs of a rare species of leopard in the Sanjiangyuan area of northwest China’s Qinghai Province, local authorities said Thursday. 青海省政府周四表示,一位野生动物管理员在三江源地区拍到了一种罕见豹子的照片。 This was the first time a person has taken a photograph of the endangered species in the Sanjiangyuan area...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,035 views |
  • 美国佛州在建天桥坍塌 四人死亡

    A pedestrian bridge that was under construction collapsed onto a busy Miami highway Thursday afternoon, killing at least four people, authorities said. 周四下午,美国佛罗里达州一座正在建造中的人行天桥发生坍塌,造成至少四人死亡。 Search-and-rescue crews worked into the night, using dogs, search cameras and sensitive listening devices in a frantic search to find...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:11,750 views |
  • 中国尼泊尔将建造被地震损毁的边检站

    China and Nepal agreed on Thursday to construct a frontier inspection station and facilitate resumption of Nepal-China border point, which has been closed after a devastating earthquake in 2015. 本周四,中国与尼泊尔商量决定在建立一座边检站并推进中尼边界线的恢复,该边检站在2015年的一场地震中被关闭。 Amid a special function organized at Nepal’s Ministry of...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:11,913 views |
  • 意大利某广场命名为何凤山广场

    A square in Italy has been named after late Chinese diplomat Ho Fengshan, who is known as “China’s Schindler” for his role in rescuing thousands of Jews during World War II, reports Chinanews.com. 中新网报道,意大利一座广场以中国已故外交官何凤山命名。该外交官在二战期间拯救了数以千计的犹太人,被称为“中国的辛德勒”。 英语网址大全 On Wednesda...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:11,807 views |
  • 研究:不漂亮的女性更可能不忠

    A new study suggests it is the less attractive ladies who are responsible for the greatest heartache. 一项新研究指出,最难守住的其实是不漂亮的女人。 When US researchers followed more than 200 married couples for three-and-a-half years, they discovered that women who considered themselves attractive were far more likely to be faithful. They also found that wome...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:11,943 views |
  • 英国部分小学推行12*12口算乘法表

    A multiplication1 test in some of England’s primary schools is sparking debate in both the UK and China – where the test originates. 英国部分小学推行的乘法表测试在中英两国引发热议,乘法表源自中国。 The new multiplication test, or times table check, will be trialed at England’s primary schools in March. Some 7,250 pupils in Year 4 at 290 primaries, ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,384 views |
  • 游戏也能很好地衡量智商

    If you’re good at games, you might also be good at everything else. 如果你擅长打游戏,你也许做其他事也很在行。 That’s according to a new study that found two of the world’s most popular video games act like IQ tests. Those who are the best at them also get the highest scores on traditional intelligence tests, suggesting that video games might...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:11,866 views |
  • 印度某邦提供免费隆胸福利

    A south Indian state has become possibly the first in the world to offer publicly-funded breast implants1, its health minister arguing, “Why should beauty treatment not be available to the poor?” 印度南部的一个邦或许是世界上首个提供公费隆胸福利的地方。这个邦的卫生部长表示,“为什么穷人就不能接受美容服务呢?” The Tamil Nadu state health department on...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:11,929 views |