• 2014BFA英国时尚大奖出炉

    It’s the biggest event in the social calendar.   这是社交日历上最为盛大的节日。 And last night, a galaxy of stylish stars, including some of the world’s most beautiful women, walked the London Coliseum red carpet to attend the British Fashion Awards.  在昨晚,一大波光鲜明亮的明星,其中不乏世界上最美丽的女人们,踏上了伦敦大剧院的红毯参加英国时尚...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,694 views |
  • 寒流来袭 6个取暖小窍门

    Be warned, as this might make you want to spit out your coffee, but that hot drink you’re sipping on could actually be making you colder.   友情提醒:也许这篇文章可能让你有喷咖啡的冲动,不过你喷的这杯热饮可能实际上喝了以后让你觉得更冷哦。 And that’s not the only thing making it hard to stay warm as the temperatures continue to drop around you. Y...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,484 views |
  • 还能活多久 2种预测寿命的简易方法

    The simple exercise of sitting down and standing up again without holding onto anything, could suggest how long you have to live.   只一个简单的徒手坐下、再站起来的动作就能预测出你的寿命。真的么? This is the belief of a group of physicians, who came up with the ‘sitting-rising test’ to measure their patients’ flexibility and strength.   这是一群医生们提...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,624 views |
  • 英国婴儿名top10 穆罕默德意外夺魁

    Mohammed has become the most popular name for newborn boys in Britain.   穆罕默德成为了英国新生儿取名最受欢迎的名字。 It shot up from third the previous year, overtaking Jack, which had topped the list for the past 14 years but was relegated to third spot.   从第三年开始这个名字的频率就直线上升,超过了杰克,杰克在过去14年里一直占据榜首,如今降级到第三。 O...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,130 views |
  • 燃烧吧,脂肪!五日计划帮你瘦

    The Burn is an innovative set of easy-to-manage diet plans that target the underlying reasons why you’re carrying extra weight. Today, we look at the five-day plan, which will help you tackle a sluggish gut.   “燃烧吧,脂肪!”是一套具有革命性的减肥管理计划,针对为什么你超重的原因所设计。今天,让我们来看看这套五日计划,它可以帮助你加速肠道蠕动哦。 When Holly...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,770 views |
  • 外媒看中国 残忍的耍猴与动物虐待

    Still chained to the tiny bicycle he is being forced to ride, a monkey cowers by a wall, shuddering as his trainer approaches wielding a whip.   一只被用铁链和一辆小自行车拴在一起的猴子,畏缩在墙边,惊恐地看着训猴人拿着皮鞭向它靠近。 Another on stilts, is yanked about into a macabre dance, held up only by the chain wrapped around his neck, while another of ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:14,199 views |
  • iPhone 6还没买 6S就要来了

    It’s been less than three months since Apple unveiled its iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, but rumours suggest the firm is gearing up for its next release already.   两个多月前苹果公司才刚刚发布了新款手机iPhone 6 and 6 Plus,但是最近有传言称苹果已经在为下一代新品iPhone的发布做准备了。 Reports say Apple may hold two iPhone launch events next year, to release its iPhone ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,103 views |
  • 职场菜鸟必备:毕业生初入职场15条绝密守则

      又快到毕业季,有的同学已经拿到offer,有的同学可能还在寻觅合适的职位。今天跟大家说说初入职场要注意的一些守则。 1. Don’t talk negatively about people behind their backs. If you gossip, people won’t confide in you. Mind your own business.   1.不要在别人的背后说人坏话。你热衷流言蜚语的话,人们就不会相信你。管好你自己的事。 2. Try to work for someone who’ll ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,444 views |
  • 菲尔普斯女友:我本男儿身

    Michael Phelps’ self-proclaimed girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler has just made a shocking admission.  自称为迈克尔·菲尔普斯女友的泰勒·丽芬妮·钱德勒最近自曝了一条惊人的消息。 In a post on her Facebook, Chandler is revealing she was actually born a boy, and named David Roy Fitch at birth.   她在自己的脸书网页面上表示,自己出生的时候其实是一个男孩,出...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,735 views |
  • 总统读哪些书? 奥巴马全家逛书店

    President Barack Obama tried to draw attention to independently owned businesses on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, a day that is increasingly being marketed as one for deal-hungry consumers to remember to patronize these mom-and-pop outlets while doing their holiday shopping.   感恩节之后的周六,越来越被当做让消费者在节日购物时不忘光顾小企业的一天来宣传。...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,041 views |