• 中英双语阅读:微信朋友圈营销

    代购护肤品、奶粉、奢侈品……打开微信朋友圈,仿佛登陆了手机淘宝网。时下,一种新的熟人营销模式在朋友圈悄然兴起。这种利用朋友圈的“杀熟”做法就是friendvertising(朋友圈营销)。 Friendvertising is the use of social media website ‘friends’ to disseminate video adverts for products. Some videos have an apparently good message that people want to share and others are he...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:16,781 views |
  • 中英双语阅读:熬夜观看世界杯 中国球迷不幸猝死

    A Chinese football fan has reportedly died after staying up on successive nights to watch the World Cup. 据雅虎新闻报道,一位中国球迷在连续数夜熬夜观看世界杯后猝死。 The 25-year-old man from Suzhou, near Shanghai, was found in front of his TV hours after the Netherlands beat Spain 5-1 in their first round game on Friday, which finished at around 5am Chinese ti...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,968 views |
  • 中英双语阅读:运动帮助女孩建立信心

    Girls should take part in competitive sport to build confidence and resilience, the leader of a group of girls’ schools will argue this week. 据英国广播公司6月7日报道,一位女校组织领导表示,竞技运动有助于女孩们建立信心和加强恢复力。他们将于本周将就此话题展开讨论。 Helen Fraser, chief executive of the Girls Day School Trust (GDST), will tell the groupR...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,558 views |
  • 中英双语阅读:世界杯期间我为妻子拟定的11条铁律

    My Dear Wife, 致亲爱的妻子, The FIFA World cup is around the corner, so let me give you a few rules that will help us during the months of June and July: 世界杯在即,为了在六月和七月能友好相处,请允许我与您约法三章。 1. The Television set’s remote control belongs to me for the whole month. 1.电视遥控器归我掌控一个月。 2. You should not walk in front of ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,648 views |
  • 中英双语阅读:你的城市有“女性停车位”吗?

    女性停车位-女性停车位是指转为女性设置的汽车停车位,该车位比一般的车位位置更好,更宽敞。但该车位也受到不少人士有关性别歧视的批评。 现在路上开车的女司机越来越多,不过,很多男司机一提到女司机就摇头,他们对女司机的驾车和停车技术均有微词。为了方便女司机停车,同时保证她们的安全,现在不少地方都开始设立专门的女性停车位。 Women’s parking spaces are specially design...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:13,408 views |
  • 中英双语阅读:我的前任是极品

    We’ve all got a crazy ex, and sharing stories about how insane they were is one of life’s great joys. 每个人都遇到过极品前任,将那些他们如何极品的故事与他人分享,这也是人生的一大乐趣。 We’ve compiled the worst of the worst below. They’re so bad, you might even begin to think your ex was relatively sane in comparison. 我们收集了一些关于...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:14,271 views |
  • 山东“全能神教”(almighty God)成员被批捕

    山东招远5 28故意杀人案的5名犯罪嫌疑人已经被批准逮捕。目前已经证实,5名嫌疑人都是邪教组织“全能神”(almighty God)的成员。 Footage from China Central Television (CCTV) showed Zhang Lidong, one of the six suspects detained for alledgely killing a woman in East China’s Shandong province. [Photo/CCTV] Six suspects detained for intentional homicide in East Ch...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:14,075 views |