• 90后学生们走得更远,在毕业旅行上花费更多

    As graduation season gets underway in June and July, graduates are departing to different destinations to celebrate the start of a new chapter in their lives. 随着6月和7月毕业季的临近,90空包网毕业生们纷纷前往不同的目的地,庆祝人生新篇章的开始。 For graduation trips, Chengdu in Sichuan province, Guangzhou in Guangdong province, Chongqing, Shenzhen in Guangdong...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:145,489 views |
  • 研究显示:长时间待在教室容易导致孩子近视

    The more years you spend in full-time education, the more short-sighted you are likely to be, according to a large UK study. 英国一项大型研究的结果显示,你接受的全日制教育的时间越长,你的近视程度就可能越高。 The link appears to be that students have too little exposure to bright natural light — and the antidote suggested by the researchers is for children to s...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:144,393 views |
  • 美食文化:日本料理何以令西方食客赞不绝舌?

    Of all the culinary changes that have taken hold in the UK in the past 20 years, the adoption of Japanese food has been the most unexpected. Perhaps the trend started in 1992 with Alan Yau’s Wagamama, where British diners were introduced to slurping noodles from a bowl. Or was it in 1994, when Moshi Moshi established sushi conveyor belts? Maybe it was in about...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:143,677 views |
  • 香港成为外国人居住最贵的城市,北京上海排前十

    Hong Kong is back in top spot as the most expensive city to live in the world as an expat, according to research. 研究表明,香港重新名列前茅,成为世界上外国人居住最贵的城市。 The city of skyscrapers had dropped to second place last year behind Luanda, the capital of Angola. 去年,高楼林立的香港排名还落后于安哥拉首都罗安达。 But it now heads the Asia-dominated ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:141,300 views |
  • 支付宝助推无现金社会早日到来

    When Alibaba founder Jack Ma carved out his payments business from the ecommerce giant in 2010, he pulled off a coup with multibillion-dollar implications. 2010年,当阿里巴巴创始人马云将其支付业务从这家电商巨头剥离时,他使用了一记妙招,其价值难以估量。 The true impact of this manoeuvre became apparent this week with the news that Ant Financial, the Alibaba fin...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:16,213 views |
  • 特朗普计划对中国投资和对华技术出口设置新限制

    President Donald Trump, already embroiled in a trade battle with China, plans to ratchet commercial tensions higher by barring many Chinese companies from investing in U.S. technology firms, and by blocking additional technology exports to Beijing, said people familiar with administration plans. 了解美国政府计划的人士称,美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)计划禁止众...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,873 views |
  • 警察倒地装死,成精警犬为他进行“心肺复苏”

    A valiant police dog in Spain showed off its first-responder skills by apparently performing CPR on an agent who played dead. 西班牙一只勇敢的警犬展示了它的急救技能,它给一个装死的警员进行了心肺复苏。 Poncho. the pup of the Municipal Police of Madrid, performed the “heroic” life-saving deed on an officer and “did not hesitate for an instant to ‘save the life’ ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:11,789 views |
  • 特朗普新版旅行禁令生效,谁会受到影响?

    The US Supreme Court has upheld President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban and overruled legal challenges from lower courts. 美国最高法院坚持唐纳德-特朗普总统修改后的旅行禁令,并驳回了来自下级法院的法律挑战。 This is the government’s third version of a controversial policy since Mr Trump took office in January. 这是自从特朗普1月份就职以来政府第三个有争议政策...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:12,537 views |
  • 世界杯:球迷强吻,女记者中断直播严厉指责

    A Brazilian sports reporter fought back after a man tried to kiss her while she was doing a live report from the World Cup in Russia. 一名巴西体育记者在俄罗斯世界杯现场报道时,一名男子试图吻她,她及时还手。 Julia Guimaraes was in Yekaterinburg on Sunday at the Japan v Senegal match when a man approached her and tried to kiss her while she was on air. 朱莉娅-吉...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:双语阅读 | 阅读:11,619 views |