• 韩国总统文在寅访美

    South Korean President Moon Jae-in has arrived in the U.S. for a 4-day visit and his first summit with his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump1. 韩国总统文在寅已抵达美国进行为期四天的访问,期间他将于美国总统特朗普进行首次会晤。 The two leaders are set to announce a joint2 declaration after their bilateral3 summit meeting on Friday local time. Analysts4 have suggeste...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,262 views |
  • TFBOYS王源任联合国青年教育使者

    Wang Yuan, a member of popular Chinese boy-band TFBOYS, has been appointed by the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) as a Special Advocate for Education. TFBOYS成员王源被联合国儿童基金会任命为青年教育使者。 The announcement was made on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at UNICEF’s Beijing office. The 17-year-old promised that he...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,299 views |
  • 南方航空开通哈尔滨飞伊尔库茨克新航线

    China Southern Airlines announced on Wednesday that a new air route from northeast China’s Harbin to Irkutsk will begin services in July. 中国南方航空周三宣布,将于7月份开通一条哈尔滨飞伊尔库茨克的新航线。 Flight CZ8339/40 connects Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang Province, with Irkutsk, near Lake Baikal in Russia, the airline said in a statement. From Ju...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,344 views |
  • 支付宝进军西班牙

    Chinese tourists will be able to use Alipay mobile wallet in Spain thanks to an agreement signed between Spanish bank BBVA and China’s Ant Financial Services Group. 西班牙对外银行与中国蚂蚁金融服务集团签署一份协议,中国游客将可以在西班牙使用支付宝服务。 Alipay is one of world’s largest online and mobile payment platforms operated by Ant Financial S...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,207 views |
  • 习近平:中央政府将会一如既往地支持香港

    President Xi Jinping said Thursday that the central government will as always support the Hong Kong Special Administrative1 Region (HKSAR) in growing its economy and improving people’s wellbeing. 中国国家主席习近平周四表示,中央政府将会一如既往地支持香港特别行政区发展经济、改善民生。 Xi made the remarks upon his arrival at the Hong Kong International Air...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,235 views |
  • 俄罗斯计划建造一艘新航母

    Russia plans to construct a new aircraft carrier to supplement its sole carrier the Admiral Kuznetsov, Viktor Bursuk, deputy navy commander in charge of procurement1, said Wednesday. 俄罗斯负责采购的海军副司令维克多·布鲁克周三表示,俄计划建造一艘新航母来增援国内唯一的库兹涅佐夫航母。 “Various design centers are working to determine the appearance of this...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,439 views |
  • 虞美人

    When will there be no more moon and spring flowers 春花秋月何时了, For me who had so many memorable1 hours? 往事知多少。 My attic2 which last night in vernal wind did stand 小楼昨夜又东风, Reminds cruelly of the lost moonlit land. 故国不堪回首月明中。 Carved balustrades and marble steps must still be there, 雕阑玉砌应犹在, But rosy3 faces cannot be as fair....阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,537 views |
  • 偶然

    我是天空里的一片云 偶尔投影在你的波心 你不必讶异 更无须欢喜 在转瞬间消灭了踪影 你我相逢在黑夜的海上 你有你的 我有我的方向 你记得也好 最好你忘掉 在这交会时互放的光芒 I am a cloud in the sky, A chance shadow on the wave of your heart. Don’t be surprised, Or too elated(兴高采烈的) ; In an instant I shall vanish without trace. We meet on the sea of dark ni...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,078 views |
  • Homesick 乡愁

    小时候,乡愁是一枚小小的邮票, 我在这头,母亲在那头。 长大后,乡愁是一张窄窄的船票, 我在这头,新娘在那头。 后来啊!乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓, 我在外头,母亲在里头。 而现在,乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡, 我在这头,大陆在那头。 When I was a child, my homesickness was a small stamp    Linking Mum at the other end and me this.    When grown up, I remained homesick, but i...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,796 views |
  • What is Time? 对你来说,时间是什么

    Time is grain for peasants. Time is wealth for workers. Time is life for doctors. Time is victory for strategists. Time is knowledge for entrepreneurs1. Time is speed for scientists. Time is money for enterprisers. Time is everything for all of us. Therefore, seize this day! Begin now! Each day is a new life. Seize it. Live it. For today already walks tomorrow...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,374 views |