• 中国几个地区将重点治理空气污染

    China plans even more measures to help defeat air pollution in regions including the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta1 and the Fenhe-Weihe plain. 中国计划采取更多措施帮助以下地区治理空气污染,京津冀地区、长江三角洲以及汾渭平原。 Delivering an environmental report to the ongoing2 bimonthly session of the National People’s Congress Sta...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:11,683 views |
  • 上海将建金融法院

    China is considering the establishment of a financial court in Shanghai to deal with finance-related commercial and administrative1 cases in the city. 中国正考虑在上海建立一座金融法院,解决与财务有关的商业和行政案件。 The decision on the establishment of Shanghai Financial Court was submitted to the Standing2 Committee of the National People’s Congress o...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:11,690 views |
  • 北京新能源车牌发放率1963:1

    New electric car plate applicants1 in Beijing will have to wait for at least 4 years to get a license2, according to a new memo3 released by Beijing’s Transport Commission. 北京交通部一份新备忘录显示,北京新能源汽车车牌的申请者需要等待至少4年才能得到一块车牌。 As of April 8, 2018, there are 230,000 valid4 applications for electric cars. All 60,000 licens...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:11,829 views |
  • 腾讯影业成立销售子公司

    Tencent Pictures has set up a distribution subsidiary aiming to boost its influence on cinemas. 腾讯影业成立一家销售子公司以扩大其在影视行业的影响。 Tencent Pictures Distribution, with a registered capital of 50 million yuan (around 7.9 million U.S. dollars), is wholly owned by Tencent Pictures and chaired by Cheng Wu, vice1 president of Tencent Holdings Ltd. ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,007 views |
  • 中国大城市将开始试行5G网络

    China’s three major telecom operators have been approved to set up 5G networks in big cities, reports Beijing Youth Daily. 《北京青年报》报道,中国三大电信运营商已获批在大城市建立5G网络。 China Unicom will pilot 5G-technology in 16 cities including Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Guiyang and Zhengzhou. China Mobile will launch offline testing in five cities i...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,043 views |
  • 杭州开始试验无人送货车

    A driverless delivery vehicle was put to the test on roads in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on Wednesday. 本周三,一辆无人送货车出现在浙江杭州街头。 The smart vehicle was developed by Cainiao, a company devoted1 to building a smart logistics network in China. The new vehicle, which has a top speed of 15 kilometers an hour, performed well in a 10-kilometer-long ...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,239 views |
  • 习近平向古巴新总统米格尔·迪亚斯-卡内尔发贺信

    Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated Miguel Diaz-Canel on his election as the new Cuban president in a message on Thursday. 中国国家主席习近平周四向古巴新当选总统米格尔·迪亚斯-卡内尔发送贺信。 Xi said in the congratulatory message that China and Cuba are good comrades, good friends and good partners that sincerely trust each other and share the same fate...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,248 views |
  • 伊丽莎白女王希望查尔斯担任英联邦元首

    Queen Elizabeth told the heads of more than 50 states Thursday that she wants the heir to the British throne, her eldest1 son Prince Charles, to succeed her as head of the Commonwealth2. 伊丽莎白女王周四向50多个国家首脑表示,她希望长子查尔斯王子王储接替她担任英联邦元首。 The British monarch3 made her plea at Buckingham Palace where she hosted the opening cerem...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:12,103 views |
  • 支付宝助力圣彼得堡旅游业发展

    St. Petersburg in Russia is partnering up with Alibaba’s Alipay to attract more Chinese tourists. 俄罗斯圣彼得堡与支付宝合作吸引以更多的中国游客。 Russia’s Sputnik reports that the city’s tourism authorities1 are expected to sign an agreement with Alipay at the Digital Forum2, currently3 held in the city. Figures from World Without Borders sh...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:11,980 views |
  • 中国挪威将加强对北极研究的合作

    Officials and scholars from China and Norway vowed1 to enhance their cooperation on the study of the Arctic in order to better respond to climate change. 来自中国和挪威的官员与学者承诺要加强双方对北极研究的合作以更好地应对气候变化。 The Nansen-Zhu International Research Centre of the Institute of Atmospheric2 Physics was established under the Chinese Academy o...阅读全文
    作者:1zanxin | 分类:杂谈 | 阅读:11,697 views |